Monday 20 May 2013


‘I am writing a Tribute to Mom in association with

Truly said that as God could not be everywhere He created mothers and that one does not cease to be a child till he/she has a mother to turn to! Mother, who calms when our mind is ruffled, soothes when we are in trouble, prays for us when our hearts are wounded and loves unconditionally even when all have deserted! That and much more is the innate essence of a mother.  Mother, who loves us even before we are born and the only time she laughs while we cry, is at our birth. Mom, who walks into our heart and life just as others prepare to exit and stands rock-solid by us through the troughs and crests of life, believing in us even as we start to lose faith in ourselves!  Mother is the infinite epitome of goodness and devotion who makes us feel secure, rooted and complete. She keeps us rooted even while giving us wings to fly and conquer the world.
My mom just like any other is selfless in her love for me, making me feel secure in the warm cocoon of her love. She has always placed my needs above her, given me unstinted support in my every pursuit. I feel like God’s chosen one to be blessed with a mother like her. She has nurtured the sapling of my love like only a mother can to allow it to flower and flourish.  Her love is like the silvery moonbeams scattering their pearly drops on my life. I have experienced an eternity of love in her every look, gesture and caress. Mom is my anchor in the turbulent seas of life as she has always thought twice, once for me and again for me. 
My mom is one of a kind. She knows all that’s in and on my mind as if she has telepathy of the strongest and strangest order with me. Pizzas and burgers are a common passion, and mom packs a punch in every moment as it were. Oh, but that does not in any way mean she digresses from doing what all mothers are adept at: giving me a piece of her mind more now than then. Mom is the warm sunshine flooding my life with untold happiness, joy and ecstasy.  She is the salve to my injured soul even today when I am a mother myself. Her tender soothing touch of love heals my deepest wounds and her cheerful ever-smiling face for me is like God to behold.  With eyes overflowing with love for me, her heart weeps when in pain I be. Mom’s very countenance is a transparent reflection of the affection she has for me. She’s my warm shoulder in the cold world.

जहां का बदलता रंग-रूप देखा
दुनिया के चमन का हर फूल देखा
पर तेरे प्यार की खुशबू पाई कहीं
माँ तुझसा गुलाब खिला कहीं.
तेरी साधना से मुझें मंजिलें मिलीं
तेरी तपस्या से खुशियाँ
तेरी मुस्कान सबसे न्यारी
माँ तुझपर जीवन बलिहारी.
तेरे प्यार की अनोखी कहानी
तेरी ममता अमर, ये जहां फानी
खुदा से दुआ मांगे ये मन
तेरी जीवन शमा हो कभी कम.
माँ तुम हो प्यार की पहचान
तुम में बसे मेरी जान
चलती तेरी साँसों से दिल की धड़कन
जीवन सर्वस्व माँ तुझपर अर्पण.

Kiddie Lessons

Child is the father of man and rightly so! Kids have an innate sense of teaching adults through action and innocent banter, only if we cared to observe or worse, learn from. My kids have inadvertently taught me several things, now that I reflect via this opportunity.
They’ve imbibed in me to face life with courage and sunshine smiles. Kids are eternal optimists bouncing out of every situation with graceful ease. Fever, failure, accident or quarrel, they do not get bogged down by their aftermath. No rancor as everything is dissipated within moments and they revert to their own lovable selves. They have taught me to be forgiving, dissuading me from nursing grudges. When a favorite toy breaks, kids do cry, but a new one is enough to get them out of that phase. I have endeavored to apply this to my life, striving to give my best to every situation, but not moping on things that are essentially out of my control.
Kids have taught me to be curious about things around. The way I have seen them pick an object, look at and maneuver it has made me apply the same technique to situations around me. Everything is not what it appears to be and I have taken this leaf from their book. Situations cannot be taken at face value for they may not be the way they first appear and need insight, evaluation and revaluation to comprehend thoroughly.
Kids have taught me to appreciate every small joy that life throws up rather than wait for earth-shattering moments to cherish happiness. The sheer joy they experience in seemingly mundane things from an adult viewpoint is what I have imbued to be grateful for every passing moment and seeking fulfillment in it, living a lifetime in a single moment.

Monday 22 April 2013

My Father, My Soldier For Life!

The first man in any girl’s life is her father and ditto with me.  He has been my first-love and the source of inspiration who taught me to believe in myself, the biggest endowment he has bestowed on me which has stood me in good stead through the crests and troughs of life.  He has been my soldier from the day I was born.  My birth was unfortunately not welcomed the way it should or at least could have been as my conservative family was quite taken aback by the birth of a daughter.  Instead of happiness on the occasion, there was more a veil of disappointment which was very hard on my parents, who were supposed to be ‘celebrating’ their first-born!  My father stood stoically in the face of it all, as though in the dock his only ‘crime’ being the birth of a daughter.  Seeing the antagonistic hostility all around was perhaps the biggest compelling factor that made him more possessive about me than ever.  I became the cynosure of all his love and attention.  He actually became my soldier in thought and action, sheltering me from the vicissitudes of life like only he could.  He explained to all those opposed to my gender that he was responsible for it and not mom who had come in for immense flak for no fault of hers.  Dad taught me to set my own standards, and achieve them for he said that his daughter would not follow the beaten path but set her own trail.  He imbibed in me principles of believing in my capabilities never mind what others thought or had to say about them.  His has been the strongest shoulder all my life and his jadoo ki jhappi works as fine today as it did yesterday.  All my life I have been the pivot of his existence and am referred to as his Princess even today.  He never gave up on me even when I faltered, unsure of myself.   He has amply lived up to the statement that a dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall  but instead picks you up, brushes you off, and, let’s you try again!  My father’s protection of me has been the greatest gift of my childhood to me!  I take pride in being daddy’s little (!) girl.  In life I did find my prince, but my daddy is my still my king. My daddy strongest and best-est! My Father, My Soldier For Life!

 This post is a part of #soldierforwomen in association with

Tuesday 16 October 2012

My Dreams, My Aspirations!

I nurture an aspiration to contribute my mite towards society in the humble way I can.  I have been doing so consistently for the past two decades in rearing my two children to be conscientious global citizens and contribute positively towards the betterment of society.  Seeing them develop into mature, responsible young adults with their heads firmly on their shoulders, stimulated by standing up for what they know is right, makes me feel like this dream has taken root. 
 I educate two unprivileged girls and wish them educated and standing on their own feet because education is the only weapon with which one can aspire to change one’s status and the world.  This has been one dream I have fostered from a young age, believing that if I can educate even one girl child, it would mean educating a generation.  I sincerely follow this principle and have tried to illuminate a few lives with the lamp of literacy.  I have inculcated this aspiration in my kids that they have now voluntarily promised to bear the onus of educating at least one if not more who otherwise would have been lost in the mire of illiteracy and consequent degradation.  When we know better, we obviously do better is what prompts my son who is only fourteen and brilliant at studies to devote half an hour everyday to tutor the maid’s son.   I see this as the seed taking ground to flower and bear fruits and makes me feel complete as a mother and an individual of the conviction that education is the foundation stone towards arriving at a better tomorrow.  My children have vowed to put aside a portion of their earning towards creating a charity that would sponsor a needy child all the way to higher education which is a dream that will live on longer than I do.
I have a myriad of dreams which make a beautiful spectrum and keep alive the flame of living life meaningfully.  Of these, I aspire to leave the earth a better place for coming generations and have promised myself not to degrade the environment.  Therefore, I have banned usage of plastic bags in my house, am very conscious of water conservation and do not spill a drop more than that what I strictly need.  I do not even use chemical disinfectants, pesticides and deodorizers at home and try to keep a clean and fresh-smelling home by using herbal concoctions.  This is my way of working towards the dream to contribute something towards the generations to come. 
The words of James Dean remain with me at every step, “Dream as if you’ll live forever, live as if you’ll die today.”  My dream of educating someone will live on much after I am dead and gone through my generations that will see the tomorrow which I will not.  Just as I have faith in them, I know that all things are possible to a heart that dreams and believes in their coming true.

Thursday 11 October 2012

My Dreams, My Aspirations!

What is life sans the constant urge to keep alive dreams or aspirations to do something, reach a goal or be something?  It’s never too late to cultivate and cherish these emotions and reinvent oneself in the course.  These components are cornerstone of living because we are as good as dead minus them.  Without this motivation, life would be insipid and full of ennui.  When dreams are absent, life’s intrinsic value pales into insignificance.  For man to be alive and life to maintain its essence, dreams and aspirations are inextricable.  I am in my forties, yet harbor dreams which basically keep me charged.  It is the most effective way to give thumbs down to any negative thought or energy which may pull me down, even briefly. 
Eleanor Roosevelt rightly said that, “The future belongs to those who believe in the future of their dreams.”  My dream to succeed in every endeavor is much stronger than my fear of failure and this keeps the magic alive.  Only when we strive to rightly blend dreams and aspirations can we hope to succeed for all dreams come true if we have the courage to pursue them. 
Merely dreaming and aspiring without active participation to spur oneself and convert them into action will lead nowhere.  Idle dreaming is different from active dreaming.  Dreaming and aspiring go hand in hand with toil and perseverance.  While dreams alone cannot sustain life, only acting but not dreaming and planning is also futile.  Merely sitting in the shade and aspiring for a beautiful garden is impossible.  Constant toiling in the sun would ensure its coming true.  Also, only acting without foundation of a dream is pointless.  Herein lays the crux between empty dreams and meaningful ones.  One has to aspire and act on one’s dreams with open eyes to translate them into hardcore reality.  A dream can be reality when one works towards materializing it with guts, determination, sweat and patience.
If it were not for the passionate dreamer, life would have been handicapped.  Every invention or discovery is due to the madness of a dreamer who dared to dream differently from the rest, a dreamer who must have asked himself, “Why not?”  Today’s dreams are indeed tomorrow’s answers for only a zestful dreamer can contribute towards the progress of society.  Daring to dream is what keeps progress moving in the right direction. 
Dreams bind human beings in a common vein.  A man, who does not aspire, lives in vain for men of action are primarily dreamers.  For a future we have to dream today else the former will not be and the best way to make our dreams and aspirations come true is to wake up and take charge.  When one ceases to dream, he ceases to live.  Industrial pioneer Dhirubhai Ambani too was a dreamer.  He envisioned something, conceptualized it and finally built his empire by translating his dreams into functional realism.  The mind will take a fresh breath only if we dare to dream!  Calling all dreamers, take a bow!